Stopped recognizing external monitor

My pluggable UD-ULTCDL stopped recognizing my external monitor out of the blue. What do you suggest? Windows 10 does not see monitor. Can’t plug monitor directly into laptop because I have no HDMI port.

Hi Doug,

Thanks for posting!

The first steps we’ll want to take in these situations is to ensure that the software used by the dock is in a good state by reinstalling the DisplayLink software and running the DisplayLink cleaner tool. To do so, please follow these steps:

  1. Disconnect the dock from the system and please remove the power cable from the dock so it turns off completely (this is important so the unit resets). Please keep it disconnected until the last step
  2. Uninstall any and all software with ‘DisplayLink’ in the title that is present from within the Control Panel → Programs and Features. Don’t worry if these entries are not present or if the process does not work, just move onto the next step
  3. Download, extract and run the DisplayLink cleaner tool (
  4. Once the Cleaner has been run, reboot (even if not prompted to)
  5. Now download and install the 9.2 M3 DisplayLink software (
  6. Reattach the power cable to the dock first. Once the dock is powered on, reconnect it to your system which will trigger the final portion of the installation

Please let me know if this helps at all and we can take the next steps from there.

Thanks for giving us a chance to help!


Thanks Mitchell. I actually had run through this process previously. I did just run through it again exactly as instructed to no avail. What do you suggest next. This device ran flawlessly for about 2 years.

Hi Doug,

Thanks for letting me know (and trying again anyways).

At this point, I’d like to request some logs from your system to investigate further. Could you please keep the Plugable UD-ULTCDL dock connected to your computer (with the non-working monitor still attached), then navigate to our PlugDebug tool and follow the instructions there?

This will create a ZIP file on your Desktop containing system logs and information. Please send that ZIP file to us directly at Please enter for the subject line “Ticket #310369” to help us match your logs to this support post.

Additionally, if you could also include the Amazon Order ID associated with your dock in the email, that would be much appreciated.

Thank you!


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