Extending display in Windows 7


Can you use the external VGA port on a laptop to one external monitor and along with the plugable uga-2k-a display link adapter via USB to another external monitor and EXTEND the display? Or, would the monitors just mirror each other. How would I do this. Again, I wish to EXTEND the display not mirror it. Running windows 7.



Hi Mike,

Thanks for posting your question here! Yes, you can use the inbuilt VGA port on your laptop to connect one external monitor and connect a second external monitor through the Plugable UGA-2k-A and extend both displays on Windows 7 (except for Windows 7 Starter).

Here is a link to another post which explains how to do this-:
Dual Monitor Setup on Windows 7.

Windows 7 Starter does not have multi-monitor support. Here is a link that lists the limitations of Starter edition-: Windows 7 Starter Limitations.

Hope the above information helps! If you need any additional information, please do feel free to post back here or shoot us an email at support@plugable.com. We are here to help!


Thanks. Great support!! Never seen a turnaround so quick.