XP to 8...drivers stop loading at 79%

Want to transfer files using EasyTransfer Cable, from Windows XP to Windows 8. Drivers need to be downloaded on XP to proceed. Drivers stop loading at 79%. Help, please.

Hi Kelli-

Thanks for posting with your issue! Sorry to hear the PC isn’t completing driver installation normally. This is a common issue, with known steps to resolve.

For the issue where Windows Easy Transfer Cable drivers aren’t installing properly I have summarized the steps you need to take below, and provided a link to the detailed steps on Microsoft’s forum at the end. Please let me know if you have any questions on the process.

Essentially you will need to:

  1. Install an updated version of Windows Easy Transfer on your XP computer from here (you probably need the 32 bit version):

  2. From Windows Device Manager, manually install the driver from the Windows Easy Transfer program you just installed- steps for this are detailed in the link below from Microsoft’s Answers program.

  3. Proceed normally with transfer.

Detailed instructions are here, and again please let me know if you have any questions on the process: http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/wi…

A blog post I wrote recently compares the two and offers some suggestions about things to check before beginning your transfer: http://plugable.com/2012/10/25/moving…

I hope this helps!

Best wishes and Happy New Year!

Jeff Everett
MCITP Enterprise Support Tech
Plugable Technologies