Windows 11 introduced multiple characters while typing

I have been using my UD 6950 for many years on Windows 10 with no issues. I upgraded to Windows 11 a week ago and this docking station has developed an undesirable trait; namely, it frequently and randomly introduces multiple key strokes while I type. Sometimes it just ignores keystrokes and drops several in a row before startinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

See what I mean???

EX: Trying to type “abcde” it will get to “abc” and then add 20+ more ‘c’ characters. This also can occur for backspaces and delete keys.

I have tried uninstalling all drivers, running the clean tool, rebooting, and reinstalling the latest drivers. That accomplished nothing.

What should I try next?


Thanks for reaching out. I’m sorry to hear that your UD-6950 is no longer working as expected after upgrading to Windows 11, and I will be happy to assist you with this today.

Due to the nature of the problem you are experiencing, I would like to have you reach out to us directly so that we can gather some diagnostic logs.

  1. Please first run our PlugDebug tool →
  2. Please then attach the newly generated ZIP file to an email to (Please reference ticket number 387301 in the subject line)

Please be sure not to attach the debug file to a reply here for privacy.

Once again we apologize for the trouble, and I look forward to your reaching out to us directly.

Plugable Technologies

I have a Dell 7760 running Windows 11.

Per your (support email) suggestion that it could be due to a Dell power settings patch, I have run the registry update at

And it may be providing the fix I need. I will check back in a few days after running with it and let you know whether or not it resolved my issue.


Thank you for providing an update.

I will keep a lookout for your next update after using this fix.


It’s been a couple of days and I have yet to see a recurrence of the multiple key-press problem. The keyboard appears to be working well now through the docking station. I think that fixed the problem.



Great to hear! Thank you for getting back to us and reporting the positive result!

Please do not hesitate to reach out if you ever need additional assistance. We’re here to help!

Sean // Plugable Support

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