Why does my iPHone12 not work with this hub + a USBA-Lightning cable?

Why does my iPHone12 not work with this hub + a USBA-Lightning cable?

By"working" I mean that the iPhone12 is not recognized by ANY OSX app including Music on my Macbook Pro M1?

I’m buying a separate USBC-lghtning cable, but why doesn’t the USBA-lightning not work? Other USBA peripherals work such as keyboards, mice, and SSD drives.

And the USB-to-lightning cable I’m using DOES work with computers that have a USBA plug.

OH, and I’ve run the PLUGDEBUG utility and EMAILED the ZIP file to support@plugable.com

Hello Charlie,

Thank you for reaching out. We noticed that you had contacted us directly through our support channel and created a ticket (ticket #428105). We wanted to let you know that we have responded to this ticket with detailed information regarding this issue.

Please feel free to continue to use our ticketing support system for our correspondence moving forward as we continue to help move this case forward.


Michael S.

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