Where can I buy "PL2303-DB9, Prolific PL-2303HX Rev D Chipset" beside Amazon?

We use your product “PL2303-DB9, Prolific PL-2303HX Rev D Chipset” in our new product - Smart Syringe Pump. Our purchasing dept only selects the qualified supplies that is not including Amazon, Can you supply your other vendor(S) info that has US address and phone number to contact?

Helen Miao
New Product Development Engineer
Parker Hannifin Corporation
Precision Fluidics Division
26 Clinton Drive, Unit 103
Hollis, NH03049
direct 603-578-1590
fax 603–595-8080

Hi Helen,

We offer direct sales for case size and larger orders. For the PL2303-DB9 our case size is 40 units. See http://plugable.com/shop/sales for details

Thank you!