Thank you so much for reaching out to us, I am sorry to hear that you are running into issues, but I would be more than happy to assist!
Just to make sure I have all of the right information, what version of MacOS are you currently running? Also which Plugable product are you currently experiencing this issue with?
We attempted to reach out to Josh to obtain some additional information regarding the individual Plugable product he was utilizing, as well as the operating system version he had installed on his system, but did not receive a response back.
If Josh would like to continue troubleshooting the issue, or anyone else has any similar questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to us directly at
Thank you so much for getting back to us! Based on the additional information you have provided, we are most likely running into a problem associated with Gatekeeper blocking the extension of the DisplayLink drivers, or the DisplayLink drivers have not been installed!
If you have installed the driver, please take a moment and follow the instructions located at this link ->… to unblock the DisplayLink extensions inside of Gatekeeper. Please let me know if this garnishes any immediate results!
We reached out to Josh to hopefully resolve his secondary display issue by updating the individual DisplayLink drivers, and unblocking the extension via Gatekeeper, but we have not received a response back on whether this has resolved his issue.
If Josh or anyone else who is experiencing any similar issues, would like to contact us directly to resolve any additional issues, please feel free to reach out to us directly at We would be more than happy to help!