WD 2.0TB drive not recognised

HP Compaq 6910 Laptop
WinXP Home SP3
USB3 HDD Docking Station

I can’t get this drive to run. I’ve tried reinstalling USB, etc.

Any Ideas?

Hi Rob-

Thanks for contacting Plugable support, and sorry to hear about the issues detecting your WD hard drive in the dock.

Could you please email your amazon order ID with a link to this thread to support@plugable.com? With your order details I can verify which of our drive docks you have, and what chipset it uses based on the purchase date. Since we have multiple drive docs this will be an important detail for me to be able to recommend the right steps.

Alternatively, you can reply with the output from our support tool, Plugdebug, when the drive and dock are attached and I can verify which model you have based on this info. Instructions to use and download PlugDebug are here:


Once we’ve verified what dock you have I’ll be able to recommend the next steps.

Best wishes-

Jeff Everett
MCITP Enterprise Support Technician
Plugable Technologies