Using Bluetooth dongle with Logitech M330 wireless mouse

I have a Logitech M330 wireless mouse which is missing the wireless dongle. I also have a spare Bluetooth Plugable dongle and I would like to pair it with the mouse. I assume I need to flash the mouse firmware to the dongle for them to communicate but I’m not sure how to do this. I also have a Logitech M280 wireless mouse (with dongle). Anyway to flash the firmware or to use Logitech’s unifying software for this?

Hello max0,

Thank you for contacting Plugable. I took some time to look up this topic online and read some product specification for your M330 Logitech mouse. At a first glance it looks like your mouse does not use a Bluetooth protocol, rather a 2.4GHz wireless connection to be used along with a nano receiver (unifying receiver). It looks like this nano receiver is a proprietary technology, and I was not able to find any documentation or mention of Bluetooth for this mouse.

Its best to double check with Logitech to get further guidance on the capabilities of this mouse.

I have not seen any other inquires from other users of our USB-BT4LE pairing with a Logitech M330, this would be a first. As for any firmware updates or custom flashing of your device I would recommend contacting Logitech directly. Given that this mouse is not our product I can’t make a particular suggestion on this topic.


Product Owner
Plugable Support

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