USBC-TE1000 incompatibility

I just purchased a new Plugable network adapter. The adapter that was sent is a USBC-TE1000. Has this been discontinued? The specs indicated it was compatible with a Dell XPS 15, 7590 computer running Windows 10. However, the TE-1000 definitely is not compatible. It connects momentarily and within a minute or so, it loses the connection.

I noticed that there is a USBC-E1000 available from Plugable. It is listed as compatible with the i9 9000 series processor. My Dell has a 9th generation i7 processor.

Does anyone have knowledge of the USB-C TE1000 adapter? There is no info on Pluggable’s website.

Thank you very much.

Hello Skye,

Thanks for reaching out to us! I am sorry for the trouble here with the adapter, and I’d be glad to help. There shouldn’t be any compatibility issues here, so we will want to check other things to see if we can get you up and running.

Let’s try some basic troubleshooting to see if that will get you up and running:

  • First, are you able to try the adapter on another computer to see if you get the same/similar result?This would be helpful, but, I understand if it isn’t possible.

  • Try any different Ethernet cables that you have, and different Ethernet ports on the modem/router

  • If those steps don’t work let’s try giving your modem/router a reset. Unplug your modem and or router, and allow for at least one minute for a full reset. Then, connect power back to the modem/router, and then connect the compute and adapter via Ethernet.

If you are still having trouble after that, would you please download and run our diagnostic with the adapter plugged in? That may give some further insight. Once everything is set up, please download and run our diagnostic from this link:

A folder with the results will be placed on your desktop after running the tool. You’ll need to reach out to us directly at: to provide the results folder, and you could put ATTN: Kevin in the subject line.

Thank you,

Product Owner
Plugable Support

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