USB3-SWITCH2 compatibility with the PS4 consoles

I’m wondering if the USB3-SWITCH2 would be compatible with the USB3.0 ports of my PS4 console?

Hello Hadji,

Thank you for showing interest in our products. What are you wanting to share between your PS4 consoles?

Kind regards,
Plugable Technologies

Hi Patric,
Thank you for getting back to me.
Actually, I am thinking about sharing USB3.0 sticks and the Dualshock4 controller (USB2.0).

I am also wondering if these switching devices can be daisy chained

Hi Hadji,

Although we have not tested this combination of hardware in house, I can tell you that the USB sticks will not work with the USB switch. Daisy chaining is also not recommended since the longer the USB cable/run the more enumeration problems you will have due to a voltage drop across the combined USB cables/run.

Kind regards,
Plugable Technologies

Thanks for your answer.