USB3-3-HDMI-DVI ... Incomplete / ineffective XP driver installation

I have recently purchased USB3-3-HDMI-DVI to use on my work laptop, which runs Windows XP.

Some preamble: I have tested the device on a personal Win7 machine and it works fine. I have admin privileges on my work WinXP device.

Attempts to install DisplayLink_7.0M3 are failing on the work WinXP laptop. On the first iteration, the install requested reboot, which I did. I plugged in the USB cable from the device …but really there was no reaction from the machine and there was no UI that I could find. Neither of DisplayLinkUI.exe or DisplayLinkManager.exe did anything when I tried to run them.

Naturally I thought something had gone wrong, and so I tried uninstall/reinstall a couple of times. The only difference on subsequent attempts is that the install is silent … it doesn’t even prompt for reboot.

So … I have a USB3-3-HDMI-DVI that I know works (via another system), but I can’t figure out how to configure the XP system so that I can use the device.

I would appreciate any suggestions about how to get this working. Really, the main reason I bought the Plugable was to increase the capability of the aging work laptop … I look forward to getting to that point.


We are currently working with Greg directly and troubleshooting an AntiVirus problem that is preventing the system from installing necessary drivers.