I have a USB to serial port adapter S/N D12-00077484 and have downloaded the latest drivers. I have tried to run it on Windows 7 and Windows 8 but it will not work properly on either. On Windows 7 it drops characters and on Windows 8 it will not talk to the comms programs. I am using Terminal on both versions of Windows and they both work with another make of adapter fine (Keyspan). The keyspan driver installs automatically whereas the Prolific driver did not, also tke keyspan driver has a setting to slect bulk mode or compatibilty (interrupt) mode and works very well in compatibility mode. Any suggestions?
Hi Laurence-
Thanks for posting with your issue!
Our blog post here covers how to change the Com port, as well as shows the several driver configuration options available for our USB serial devices. Please take a look at the article below and let us know if you’ve any other questions.
I’m not certain which setting relates to compatibility/bulk mode for the Keyspan adapter you mentioned- please let me know if anything jumps out from the article below or if you have other questions. Most of our usb-serial connection issues are resolved changing something here, since all the settings have to match what is expected by whatever device you’re connecting to. If nothing jumps out for you I’ll ask around and/or do a bit more research on the topic.
Best wishes-
Jeff Everett
MCITP Enterprise Support Technician
Plugable Technologies