USB Plugable Lan Driver

I plugged in device( WinXP 32bit) Found in device manager under other devices, but the install keeps failing to install drivers . Eror 1601 Installer Service could not be accessed. This is a CD? I bought this to put internet access back in computer. Access stop working on motherboard, well has limited or no it says. Asus SK8N.

Hi Don,

Thanks for contacting us! Sorry for the frustration - Windows XP on that machine seems to be having trouble with the msiexec service. This is part of the operating system, and various installers may rely on it.

You may see problems installing other software and drivers until the problem is resolved.

Here’s Microsoft’s knowledgebase solution for the problem:

Could you give Microsoft’s solution (re-register msiexec) a try, and let us know if that helps? From that, we’ll figure out next steps.

Thanks for your patience!

ok, looking into Microsoft.

ok got drivers installed. but now it has limited or no connectivety. tryed to repair which is renewing ip adress and it failed also. It said to see Network Administrator.
I have solid green light!

Hi Don,

Great - glad that fixed the problem with Windows msiexec.

Now on the network problem, you mentioned that your motherboard network wasn’t working. Are the symptoms the same (in terms of limited or no connectivity) between the motherboard and the USB ethernet adapter?

If so, do you have another machine in the house/office that has a network interface, that you could try at the same location? Does that work?

We’re trying to figure out whether it may be a DHCP/router issue unrelated to the network interfaces on the PC - we’ll try to help with that.

Thanks for this additional info and any other details you have on how your network is set up and what works/doesn’t.


ok, Tested a Dell Laptop, was having a issue connecting.This might be interesting to you . I have a cisco switch to expand wired connections . I disconnected switch and went direct to laptop and it connected instantly. So I connected to USB 2.0 Lan and now it is connected also. The switch is new. Cat Line to DSL Modem is also.

Hi Don,

That’s great that we have the problem isolated down to the Cisco switch. For figuring what’s wrong there, it’s probably best to contact their technical support, as we may not know as much as them about the products.

But if there is any way for us to help, please let us know - we’re happy to.

Thank you!

OK, Thanks for you Help.,