USB Device Malfunctioned

Dell Latitude 7420
Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise
Plugable UD 3900

Will not recognize any USB devices. Devices work when plugged directly into computer.

Installed plugin, got blue light
downloaded drivers
connected wires

searched forum and tried all troubleshooting that is seen in forums still not getting it to work

2 hours no response, sent email with debug no response. No phone number to call, this support is terrible.

Hi Anthony,

Thank you for contacting Plugable and for your patience! I am sorry to hear that your UD-3900 docking station is not functioning as expected, and would be happy to provide additional support.

I saw that you reached out to us directly via ticket #365156, and I will respond directly in that email thread.

Thank you for giving us the chance to help!

Plugable Technologies

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