USB-C 4K offline due driver crash

My plugable device has become unusable because is crashing constantly. Running Windows10 and latest DisplayLink driver.

Please help me.

Error text:

The device Plugable UD-ULTC4K (location 0039.0000.0000. is offline due to a user-mode driver crash. Windows will attempt to restart the device 5 more times. Please contact the device manufacturer for more information about this problem.


Thank you for contacting Plugable support! Sorry to hear about this issue. I’d be more than happy to assist you.

We have a troubleshooting tool that helps us find out what is going on in situations like this. Please plug the dock into your computer, then go to this page and follow the instructions there:

Please don’t hesitate to let us know of other questions.

Thanks again for contacting Plugable support and best wishes!

Joshua Henry

Senior Engineer
Plugable Technologies |

Hi Joshua:

Just sent you the plug debug zip file to support email.


Thank you! I will take a look and be in touch with you again as soon as possible with what I can find out.

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