My new Windows 8.0 computer only has USB 3.0 ports. Can I use your transfer cable to transfer my Windows 7 files from my old computer?
We answered Ed and Jan via email. Posting here for any that might find this useful in the future as well:
USB 3.0 ports should work fine for the transfer, as they are backwards compatible with 2.0 devices such as the cable. (Keep in mind it will only work at the 2.0 speeds, of course.)
Also, since you’re running Windows 8.0 (rather than 8.1), you have a couple of different methods available for the transfer. The Bravura software we provide with purchase of the cable is handy if you’d like to drag and drop selected files and folders between the systems. However, if the “Windows Easy Transfer” program supports more advanced automated migration features, (such as automatically moving “My Documents” to “My Documents”, “Pictures” to “Pictures”, integration of bookmarks automatically, etc) which many people find useful. With the Windows 8.1 update, Microsoft removed this handy tool, but it is still functional on 8.0.
We have an overview of the process on our website if you’d like to check it out:…