I’ve been using this hub with no issues for about a year. I have the following plugged into it:
-Plugable USB 3.0 Gigabit Ethernet adapter
-a DisplayLink adapter
-A self-powered slim external HDD
-An old K120 no frills Logitech keyboard
My PC is an XPS 13 with 2 USB 3.0 ports.
Everything was great Friday evening when I shut down my PC.
Monday morning, I booted up and the DisplayLink and Ethernet adapters no longer worked. Windows gave me the generic “USB Hub power exceeded” message. If I unplug the displaylink, the keyboard and hard drive work, but the ethernet does not. With Displaylink plugged in, the keyboard no longer works.
I’ve tried rebooting at least 5 times to no avail. I also tried updating the hub’s firmware.
Any idea?
I’d expect the displaylink, but the ethernet adapter no longer works either, and the Hub is what’s erroring out.