usb 2 Ethernet adapter not working

I just got a USB 2 Ethernet adapter for my laptop (Windows 7 Pro). I have installed the driver from plugable website, however the adapter is not working. any idea

Thanks for contacting us about your ethernet adapter. I will do my best to help you get that working.

Could you answer a few questions that will help narrow down the problem?

On the adapter, when it is plugged into a network, do the lights come on? If so, which ones?

What is on the other end of the LAN cable you have plugged into the adapter? Is it a home router? A company network? An institution like a hospital or university?

Are you using the Plugable USB 2.0 to 10/100/1000 Gigabit Ethernet LAN Network Adapter ( or the Plugable USB 2.0 to 10/100 Fast Ethernet LAN Network RJ45 Adapter (

Best Regards,