Updating Six Monitors to 4K

I am currently running 6 monitors thru a USB 3.0 - 10 Port hub. 1 is at 2550 x 1440 (32 inch) and 5 are at 1920 x 1080 (27 inch).

What is needed from Plugable to upgrade at least two of the 1920 x 1080’s to 4 K? I would like to keep the 2550 x 1440; however, I wouldn’t mind upgrading all 6 to 4K at some point so if that is a possible solution let me know and I may just go ahead and start the process.

Running a Dell XPS with Windows 10 but am upgrading to a new Dell PC with Windows 11.

Thanks in advance.

Hi Dennis,

Thanks for reaching out to Plugable support! I’d be happy to help with that.

Before we go too much further into recommendations, it would be most helpful if you could give us a list of the products you are currently using to extend these displays along with the make and model of the USB hub that you’re using. The primary reason it would be better to have this information is to prevent any conflicts with the display adapters that you’re currently using, and any that we would recommend.

Thank you for giving us a chance to help.

Richard A
Plugable Technologies

I am using all Plugable products. Its the 3.0 USB 10 Port Hub (usb3-hub10c2) with UGA-4KHDMI adaptors on 5 monitors and the HDMI from the computer on the 6th.

Hopefully that is the information you need.

Hi Dennis,

Thanks for the update.

I did wish to clarify that the UGA 4K HDMI adapters should be capable of extending 4K displays. As such, you should not need any additional equipment other than the 4K display themselves in order to achieve your goal for this setup.

One thing to keep in mind is the more UGA-4KHDMI USB 3.0 adapters that are used, the more this will tie up resources from the central processor of the computer. This can result in lagging with the display images.

I hope this information is helpful, and please let me know if you have any questions.

Richard A
Plugable Technologies

Got it… So question, is there an option other than the 3.0 Hub that has 5 monitors hooked up, in order to keep the lag time down? For instance, could I run 2 of the 3.0 Hubs off the computer mainframe without the lag? It has an Intel Core I7 processor.

Maybe I should also ask, how much lag time are we talking about?

Thanks for the speedy response.


Hi Dennis,

Definitely connecting as many of the USB 3.0 display extensions directly to the computer can help with communication backlogs that are often found when using a USB 3.0 Hub. However, the biggest thing that is going to affect the lag of the displays is going to be the resolution of the connected displays along with the type of content being. Being displayed on them.

For example, six 1080P Displays showing text based information should not experience noticeable lag. On the other hand, the same six 1080P setup with all displays showing constantly changing video would be very taxing on the system and has a good chance of developing a noticeable lag.

This is to say that there are many different factors that can lead to delay reaction in displaying images. With some of them being the resolution of the displays, the number of the displays and the specific type of content being displayed on them.

I hope this information helps you to understand better.

Richard A
Plugable Technologies

I understand. I am a market analyst so the displays are showing market quotes and charts. Nothing as taxing as video so I would think the lag will be tolerable.

Thanks so much. I am going to start by adding two 4K monitors and see how it goes.

Hi Dennis,

Thanks for the update.

Richard A
Plugable Technologies

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