Ultrawide monitor regular black screen with HP Envy 13


I’m getting regular black outs on my Acer Nitro EI491CRP Ultrawide Monitor in combination with my with HP Envy 13. This has only started happening recently after three weeks of everything working fine. No new cables have been changed during this period.

I have followed your previous advice in another ticket of uninstalling DisplayLink, running the cleaner programme and installing the latest graphics drivers.

Kind regards,


Hello Jack,

Thank you for contacting Plugable support! Sorry to hear about this issue. I’d be more than happy to assist you.

We have a troubleshooting tool that helps us find out what is going on in situations like this. Please plug the dock into your computer, then go to this page and follow the instructions there:


Once you’ve had the chance to do so and send it to our support email (support@plugable.com) with mention of ticket “310395” in the email subject line, we’ll be able to take a look to see what we can find out.

Also, can you confirm what port on the dock is currently being used to connect your display? (ie the 4K HDMI, 2K HDMI, or DVI)

Please don’t hesitate to let us know of other questions.

Thanks again for contacting Plugable support and best wishes!

Joshua Henry

Senior Engineer | Product Owner
Plugable Technologies

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