I am trying to get 1080p @ 60hz to work on my UGA-4KHDMI on my M1 Macbook Air (MacOS 12.3).
I am only able to display 1080p @ 30hz, even though the macOS monitor setting is showing 60hz. I can visually tell that it’s 30hz and this was confirmed in my monitor settings menu.
I have the latest DisplayLink Manager v1.6.1 installed.
I intentionally went with a more powerful DisplayLink chipset (DL-5500) to ensure I would have no issues getting a smooth 60hz. Any suggestions on how I can resolve this or other potential troubleshooting methods? I’m fairly savvy with computers and doing my own troubleshooting, but my google and forum searches have turned up nothing.
If these steps don’t help, I’d like to request some logs from your system to investigate further. Could you please keep the Plugable adapter connected to your system (with the non-working displays still attached), then navigate to our PlugDebug tool (https://plugable.com/support/plugdebug) and follow the instructions there?
You inspired me to do some more digging in the Display settings on macOS. I noticed there were two resolutions for 1080p. When I select the one labeled “1920 x 1080 (low resolution)”, the 60hz option actually outputs 60hz.