The UGA-2KHDMI was working fun. Upgraded the windows 7 to windows 10 and it no longer does. Device manager comes up with 2 drivers with yellow triangles, so it at least is identified as there.
uninstalled drivers and devices
each goes back to the same state and says they are the most current driver
Thanks for reaching out!
This is likely just a driver issue. We’ll want to proceed with a clean installation of the drivers, and see if the behavior is any different. We’ll do all of the following with the DisplayLink adapter disconnected, until the very last step.
Disconnect the DisplayLink adapter from the computer
Uninstall DisplayLink Core software from Control Panel->Programs. Don’t worry if this fails, just move onto the next step.
Download and run the DisplayLink cleaner tool, found here:
Once the Cleaner has been run, reboot (even if not prompted to)
Now download and run the latest DisplayLink software, found here:
Reboot, even if not prompted to
Once you’re back in Windows, reattach the DisplayLink adapter and let it install and update the firmware which should happen automatically.
Let me know if that helps!
That did it, thanks. Also, thanks for the quick response.
No problem! Glad that did the trick.
If you hit any other issues, please feel free to either open another thread here, or reach out directly through for assistance.