UD-ULTC4K Dock and Bluetooth Issues

I’m using a UD-ULTC4K dock with a Dell XPS 9350. I’ve had the dock a few months and am very happy with it. Prior to the UD-ULTC4K dock, I was using a Dell port replicator that died only after about a year and half of use.

When I try to connect the XPS to a bluetooth headset my wireless mouse and keyboard freeze and my two monitors freeze and flicker. I have to reboot the laptop in order to resume working. Also, I have to use a wired headset. Connecting any bluetooth device is works fine while the laptop is not connected to the dock.

The bluetooth signal seems to be interfering with the dock. Anyone else have this problem? Or know how to correct for it?


Regina in Knoxville

Hello Regina, thanks for posting! We have heard of similar behavior before and we speak to it in a blog post here –> https://plugable.com/2017/03/17/troub…. In short, with any USB 3.0 device it is possible for a 2.4GHz wireless signal from a Bluetooth adapter, a WiFi adapter or wireless RF receiver to interfere with a similar signal that is emitted from the USB 3.0 device. This is not limited to our dock and could happen with other devices and Intel speaks to this phenomenon in a detailed white paper here –> http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/e….

We speak to a couple of workarounds in the blog post I mentioned, but I am not sure if they could be applicable to resolve this issue. I don’t have much to suggest in terms of troubleshooting, unfortunately. But we could try a new docking station just to see if the behavior is isolated to the specific docking station that you have. If interested, please just reply to this thread and we can reach out to you directly in order to facilitate the replacement process.

Thank you,

David W.
Plugable Technologies

David W.,

Your blog post, while informative, doesn’t quite answer my question. My dock is connected to my computer via USB-C, not USB 3. My understanding of USB-C vs. USB 3 is that is significantly faster and different from USB 3. Also your blog post was concerned with wifi. I am not using wifi in my setup. I’m connected via cat5 or 6 to a mini-router that is also connected to a printer. My monitors are connected via cabled displayports/hdmi. I will try finding a USB 3 to USB 2 adapter for my 2.4 GHz wireless keyboard and mouse, as all of my USB ports are USB 3 and that could be very well the source of the interference. Yes, the dock is sitting next to the computer. Moving it would involve finding a spot to place it in my office and getting cable extensions. I’d rather not do that as it may not even work.

Thanks for answering my question,

Regina in Knoxville