UD-ULTC4K causes Dell Windows system to hang

My workstation is a Dell Precision 5530 (Windows 10 Enterprise 64bit). The system behaves problematically when used with the UD-ULTC4K dock, which causes it to freeze entirely. I can confirm that the dock is what causes this behavior as the system never hangs otherwise. And it doesn’t seem to matter if the system is used in clamshell mode or if the laptop screen is open. Upon disconnecting the dock, the system does not recover from the hang. So a forced power off and boot cycle is the only way to get access back to the system. I have downloaded the latest DisplayLink drivers as of today, and that hasn’t fixed the issue either.


Thank you for posting! I am sorry your docking station is not working as expected and I would be happy to help.

Thank you as well for the detail you provided and the testing you have performed that is much appreciated. Based on your description of the behavior, our next step is to get some additional information.

Please keep the dock connected to your system (even though not working) and send the output of our diagnostic utility PlugDebug → http://plugable.com/support/plugdebug to us directly via support@plugable.com with ‘For Ticket 326116’ in the subject line. This will allow us match things up and examine some log files from your system to help determine the next steps.

Please also include your Amazon Order ID number for the docking station purchase in your direct email. Please do not post the Order ID or the PlugDebug file in our public forum.

Thank you for giving us the chance to help!

Richard A
Plugable Technologies

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