UD-3900PDH HDMI 2 and Ethernet ports shut down

Bought the UD-3900PDH in July 2022. For its first six months of use, there were random moments when the monitor attached to HDMI 2 would black out briefly. For the past two weeks, the monitor on the HDMI 2 port would suddenly freeze (with whatever image – e.g., a website – frozen onto it). I would start and re-start PC, but had to resort to un-plugging and re-plugging the Plugable dock. On many occasions, the Ethernet port would die. Plugging and re-plugging was the only way to fix that.

Any help?

Hello Scott,

Thank you for contacting Plugable support. We would like to take a closer look at your system to better help assist but require some additional information. Instead of posting that information here, could you please contact us directly via email? To do this, please email us at support@plugable.com. In the subject of your direct email, please reference case 424306 which will allow us to match things up and then provide the next steps.

Apologies for the extra steps in the process, and we thank you for giving us the chance to help!

Best regards,

Michael S.

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