
Hello There,

I purchased a new UD-3900C4 and it was working great for about 3 weeks. my set up is a Lenovo x1 carbon v11 (intel vPro i7) and 3 additional monitors. This morning one of the 3 monitors I have hooked into it no longer displayed. And after trying to reinstall drivers (i may have installed the wrong ones) now only one of the additional displays works.

I have tried unplugging everything, including the power, for 90 seconds and the problem persists.

Please help.

Hi Brandon,

Thanks for reaching out to Plugable support! I’d be happy to help with that.

It would be most helpfully if you could let us know what display connections are not working. Specifically are you having issues with HDMI port 1,2,3 or 4.

Hopefully narrowing down which display connection is giving you issues will help us to focus on that particular display technology aspect of the docking station.

Additionally, it would be helpful to know which computer Operating System you are currently using.

Thank you for giving us a chance to help.

Richard A
Plugable Technologies

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