UD-3900 Docking Station Recognition Issues with Win 7 x64

I cannot get the new UD-3900 to recognize on my Windows 7 Asus laptop. I have installed the latest software and I don’t get anything from DisplayLink to work. I don’t know what is going on. I have tried updating drivers and frankly spent way more time than needed. What is the key to this?

Hi Tim,

We sent you an email from our email ticketing system regarding the issue. We’ll want to have a look at some log files to get a better idea of why things are behaving this way.

We’ve got a tool that can gather these logs into a .zip file that can be sent over for us to have a look. At your convenience please head over to:

There you’ll be able to download the program. You’ll want to run it with your dock and monitors attached, and sent the resulting .zip file to support@plugable.com so we can investigate further and determine the best way to proceed.
