TX packets not reported in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS 64 bit server

The adapter works but does not report TX packets when “ifconfig” is run. ifconfig reads “TX Packets:0” and this number is never incremented despite packets being successfully transmitted. RX packets are reported correctly and TX “bytes” are also reported correctly

Hello Keith,

Thank your for contacting Plugable Support! I apologize for the issues you are encountering, but you’ve come to the right place. We are here to help!

Which adapter are you seeing these issues with? We have 3 different USB to Ethernet adapters that all use different chipsets and drivers under Linux.

Plugable Technologies

The USB 2.0 10/100/1000 USB2-E1000

Asix AX88178 Chipset


I have tested all three of our adapters and can confirm that the USB 2.0 adapters will not display TX Packets when running ifconfig.

Our USB 3.0 Gigabit Ethernet adapter is the only that will disply this information, and it will do so regardless of if it is connected to a USB 2.0 or USB 3.0 port.

Plugable Technologies

Thank you , is there any chance this will be fixed for the USB 2.0 adapters in the near future. I assume there would need to be a driver update and that that would then be submitted to ubuntu to include in future kernel updates.


We will submit bug reports to the approriate places to try and get this issue solved. I’ll update this post when the tickets are submitted.

Plugable Technologies