TBT3-UDC3 - Dual work /home setup issues

I want to change my desktop PC setup into a dual setup VIA sharing switch. My work laptop supports USB c and Thunderbolt cable

My PC supports USB 3

I bought a Thunderbolt 3 plug able docking station off of ebay but im having some issues

Dosent work with my desktop PC at all

When plugged just into the laptop it only shows 1 monitor (HDMI)

MY HDMI to DP monitor dont work
Sharing switch dont work with either computer

I need some help to get this to work. I want to use a sharing switch to swap peripherals between the 2 PCS.


will buying a USB C card for my PC solve the problem?
What sharing switch would be compatible?
Why wont my HDMI - DP cable work?

For reference, this customer reached out to us directly via email, and we helped identify compatibility issues, and the customer found a workaround that works for them!

Plugable Technologies

I did indeed! Just an FYI to all
Rather then connect my peripherals to the dock itself, i connected them via hub and ive used the share switch to swap the hub between my PC (usb 3) and the dock

however I am still having issues with my 2nd monitor with the HDMI to DP despite using the active adapter. Any help on this would be grateful!

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