Screens and speakers down - suspect Plugable USB-C 4k issue

I very successfully and enjoyably run 4 screens and 3 speakers off my young top end ThinkPad T480s with Windows 10. Like everyone else MS has been trying to persuade me to go Win 11 but I’ve desisted in the middle of important projects. I have a Plugable USB-C 4K Docking Station. 2 of the screens and Logitech speakers are down but laptop speakers are fine. Other things may be down but I haven’t sensed anything else. The remaining 2 screens - 1 on laptop and the main are fine. I recently downloaded 1 X 1 Gb and 1 X 2 Gb .wav concert recordings. Otherwise it’s standard Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and internet news channels - no games or online TV. I suspect USB-C 4k drivers and reboot issue. how do I get the best guidance on what to do an how?

Hello William,

Thank you for contacting Plugable support. I am sorry things are not working as expected while using your Plugable product and I would be happy to help.

It looks like you have a ticket in our support platform so we’ll continue assisting there.


Plugable Technologies

sorry, I thought this was the support platform, I’ve looked for it but cant find it - is it under Plugable or Synaptics? where is it please?

Hello Bill,

Apologies for my choice of words. This is absolutely one of our support platforms.

What I should have mentioned was that we would continue with support on your ticket as we may need to request information we would not want posted here.

I should have been more clear with that from the start. In any case, I did respond to your internal ticket #404003 (via email) requesting some information so we can see what might be the cause of the issue you’re experiencing.

Also, regarding your question, Synaptics is the developer of the software used with our devices, but we happily support it where we can and our products that use them.


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