Screen flicker with 4KDP and active HDMI adapter

I just upgraded from an older Plugable display adapter to the 4KDP. I have an HP w2338h screen connected via the Plugable Active DP to HDMI adapter then HDMI to the screen. I bought the DP version plus the adapter as I think more screens will have DP in the future than HDMI.

I am using this in an office environment with an HP ZBook attached to a USB 3.0 port (blue inside) on the dock. The drivers installed are from February of 2015.

The entire screen flickers when I have certain applications on the screen. Other times, if I have an application which does not cause a full screen flicker, I will see a single line flicker every 4 seconds or so.

Help would be greatly appreciated!

Looking at other topics, here is some more information on my environment.

Windows 7
16gb memory

Screens include…
Dell P2210 (1680x1050) - Dock DVI
Dell P2210 (1680x1050) - Dock VGA
Auria EQ276 (1440x2560) - Dock Displayport
Mobile Display (1920x1080) - Integrated Laptop Screen
HP w2338h (1920x1080) - UGA-4kDP with Plugable Active DP to HDMI adapter

One of the applications which causes flicker is Eclipse (Development IDE).


Thanks for posting. I’m sorry there is screen flicker using our UGA-4KDP adapter along with the active HDMI adapter. I’d be happy to help!

Thank for the follow-up with additional details about your system. The best way to proceed is to have you keep everything connected as is and send us the output of our diagnostic utility PlugDebug –> to while the behavior is occurring or just after it has with ‘Ticket 119998’ in the subject line along with your Amazon Order ID number so we can match everything up. This will allow us to examine some log files to help us determine the next steps. Please don’t post your Order ID or PlugDebug file in the forum, just send that in the direct email.

Just send us the additional information when you have time and we’ll go from there.

Thank you,

Plugable Technologies

I will try to do that. Leaving the office for the day soon so it might have to wait until the morning.

I have another symptom. When I undock and redock, all screens come on and the system locks up, with a couple screens having shifted applications, some with none. Upon reboot, my system came to the login screen, but not on my configured primary screen. Instead, the laptop screen had the login. Strange. Logged in, the others did not activate and after about 30 seconds, the system locked up again. Repeated this a couple more times, with a hard (5 second) power press. My resolution was to unplug the 4kDP and have not plugged it in since.

If the system results in locking up, I may not be able to get you the debug report.

Trying now, but wanted to type this up first.

Okay, plugged in the adapter and all other screens went blank, with the laptop screen staying on, becoming the main display (start bar) again.

Opened up the display properties and I see all 5 screens disabled. I enabled only display 5, which is the 4kDP screen. It came on, took ownership as primary and all my applications moved to it. Flickering began. Started your app. Took about 10 minutes to run. Sent you the generated log file.

Hope you see something.

FYI, this particular HP screen is the same one I had used years ago with your UGA-2K-A DVI adapter. You had replaced it a couple times I believe due to some HDMI flyback voltage (from memory probably 4-5 years ago). You had told me then that this was not common behavior for HDMI ports but happened enough that you made a new revision of the UGA-2K-A and sent me one to try out which has lasted all this time.

Thanks for getting back with the update, and we did receive your PlugDebug file. I just responded to you directly with instructions for moving forward. Please respond to that direct email with your results and we’ll go from there. I will update this thread accordingly with any relevant information for anyone else following the thread.

Thank you,


Good day,

Any updates on this issue?