Repeated BSOD (video_tdr_failure, igdkmd64.sys) on Windows 10

When I connect my Pluggable-USB3-DVI, 2 times out of 5, I end up with a BSOD on Win10 with the error message - video_tdr_failure, igdkmd64.sys

I currently have another monitor running on my single HDMI port and a laptop with embedded intel graphics and a Geforce 950

Thoughts on how to debug this?

Hi Taha,

Thanks for reaching out to us, I’d be more than happy to assist you with your Plugable USB3-HDMI-DVI display adapter.

In the past, we’ve seen these type of issues being caused by a problem with drivers on the system. In order to figure out what exactly is going on, we’ll want to get a bit of additional information. To do so, we’ll want you to run our log gathering tool Plugdebug. Simply go to this site, follow the prompts there, and send us the resulting .zip file.

Once we have the logs, we’ll be able to investigate and see what is causing the blue screen errors you’ve been encountering.


Plugable Technologies