Recurring monitor issue after windows/dell SCCM updates

We are having a recurring problem that seems to coincide with whenever updates are pushed out to this precision 7780. When that happens, the monitors connected to the UD-ULTC4K go dark and go into off-line standby mode.

When this happens, the only way I have found to recover is to uninstall the drivers and run the DispleyLinkInstallation Cleaner. I then re-install the drivers (displaylink USB graphics…W11.1+M1) and all is fine.

After this most recent incident earlier this week I found that there was a newer driver package on your web site so I installed the latest and greatest and crossed my fingers. (win11.2 M0).

We have this model dock installed on 3 or 4 other stations here at the plant and this is the only one with these issues. (this one is our most recent purchase and was purchased from Amazon on 06/15/23)

Are the symptoms I described something that was addressed in the most recent Driver update? If it happens again what should I do to document? So far the frequency of the problem has been every 4 weeks or so.

Hi Mike,

Thanks for the update.

I have consulted a few other people with this issue and I think we may have found a potential explanation for things.

Dell makes a similar docking station to some of ours that utilizes DisplayLink technology for extending some displays. It is possible that when Dell pushed out that SCCM update, it rolled back the DisplayLink drivers to an older version. This would explain why using the display link. clean tool fixed the original problem you were dealing with.

It is possible that Dell has updated their SCCM profile to accommodate for the newer version of the DisplayLink drivers but we don’t have any way of being able to tell if that’s the case.

Unfortunately since we don’t have any access to information as to what is contained in that SCCM update it is difficult for us to troubleshoot this particular issue.

I know this information may not contain many definitive answers, but hopefully it helps to shed some light on the situation at least.

Thank you for giving us a chance to help and please let us know if you have anymore questions.

Richard A
Plugable Technologies

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