Power a stack of 4 Raspberry Pi 2 - 40W USB charger (USB-C5TX)

I would like to use your 40W USB charger (USB-C5TX) to power a stack of 4 Raspberry Pi.

Does this model can provide enough energy to each Raspberry Pi (something like 5V/1A or 5V/2A per MicroUSB cables) ?

Maybe I will use the last port of the charger to power an ethernet switch (USB to DC power jack - 5V/1A).


Hello Phil,

Our C5TX is more than powerful enough to power 4 Raspberry Pi 2 computers. 40 watts is 8 amps worth of power which would allow 2A per Pi.

Best wishes,

Hi Josh,

Currently, I’ve two Raspberry Pi2 powered by the C5TX. On one of them I’ve plugged an external USB2 HD. It starts spinning up for a few seconds and then suddenly stops and restarts again and so on (not enough power I imagine).

The Raspberry needs around 700 to 1000 mA and the USB2 HD around 500 to 1000 mA in order to work. So, in total 2000 mA (the worst case) should make the deal.

I am not sure that the Raspberry obtains 2A from the C5TX.
