Pluggable USB3-E1000 and Intel Advanced Network Services teaming

Can the Pluggable USB3-E1000 be incorporated into an Intel Advanced Network Services fault tolerant team with an Intel I219LM NIC on a PC running Windows 10?

Hi Dave,

Thank you for your post! Unfortunately, this is a consumer grade electronic and is not intended for complex business scenarios like this. It is possible that it may work, but we have not tested this use case.

Here are the technical specifications from the chipset manufacturer, ASIX:…

I hope this helps! If you have any further questions, please send a message to with “Ticket #216084” and we’d be happy to help!


Derek Nuzum
Plugable Technologies

Hi Dave,

We’re closing this thread due to lack of activity, but are happy to reopen this case at your convenience.

Please just send a message to using the instructions above and we’d be happy to help!


Derek Nuzum
Plugable Technologies