Plugable TBT3-UDZ Freezing whilst playing League of Legends on MacBook Pro 2020

Good Afternoon Plugable,

Everytime I run League of Legends Software I seem to freeze mid game and this issue never happened before with my MacBook before getting Plugable. I would like to have my logs checked to see if its something with the Display port issue or a MacBook issue.

Thank you

Hi Jacob,

Thank you for posting! I am sorry things are not working as expected while using your Plugable TBT3-UDZ docking station in conjunction with your Mac, and I would be happy to help.

Based on your description of the behavior, our next step is to get some additional information.

Can you please send an email to our direct support email address → with ‘For ticket #- 410695’ in the subject line that contains the following information?:

  1. The Amazon Order ID number for your TBT3-UDZ purchase

This information is available from →

  1. While the TBT3-UDZ is connected to your Mac, an Apple System Report file from your computer. We have detailed instructions for gathering this information here →

That information combined will help us to determine the next steps.

** Please do not post the information we requested above here in our public forum (it contains personally identifiable information) **

Apologies for the frustration, and thank you for giving us the chance to help!

Plugable Technologies

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