Plugable Hub TBT4 UD5 Not Recognizing my MIDI Keyboard Controllers on USB A Ports

MIDI keyboard controllers (2) not recognized by HUB when plugged into any of the USB A ports. I have two HDMI monitors connected to the HUB (when I’m at home). I saw this issue with HUB not recognizing wireless mouse and wired computer keyboard and I tried the suggested solution of disconnecting all devices unplugging the power to the HUB and waiting 1 minute, then plugging back in. Didn’t work. This is a problem since I am a musician and when I am on the gig, I was going to use the HUB to connect my keyboards, audio interface and Laptop (via powered T4 port). Please send the solution. Thanks!

Hello musicalpt,

Thank you for reaching out on the forums! I am sorry to hear that you are running into issues with your TBT4-UD5, but I would be happy to help diagnose the issues here.

First, can you confirm that you are using the included Thunderbolt 4 cable that came with your dock? We’ve seen issues when third party cables are used.

Next, I’d like to request that you reach out to us directly via email and provide some log files from your setup using our PlugDebug diagnostics tool. With everything still attached to the dock (even if it appears to not be working) please follow the instructions on our PlugDebug page and send the ZIP file back to us at so we can take a look at the logs.

Thank you,

Plugable Technologies

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