Phones that support OTG Micro USB to Ethernet Adapter

Here is the information in case someone is interested of the feasibility of using otg micro usb to ethernet adapter -

I have tested following phones which work with micro usb otg cable to ethernet (i.e have build in ethernet drives).


  1. All models of padfone ()only the phone part, not when docked to tablet).
    When otg usb to ethernet adapter is attacheds (or otg cable attached with usb to ethernet adapter, then ethernet menu pops in on the setting menu as well as on the notification bar.

  2. Sony
    Most Sony phones have ethernet drivers built in so they work, but no notification pops up. just switching off w-fi and data and using the browser will confirm that you have ethernet connection

  3. Google Nexus
    Nexus 5 and Nexus 6 (but not Nexus 4) have ethernet drivers built in so they work, but no notification pops up. just switching off w-fi and data and using the browser will confirm that you have ethernet connection.

  4. Motorola
    Moto G (2013 edition, 2014 edition).
    Moto X (2013 edition and 2014 edition)

Following brands phones do not work with ethernet cable as the drivers have been removed Samsung, LG , HTC, Huwawei.

Thanks for posting this great info Tarak!

If anyone else has other phones and tablets to add compatibility reports, they’re quite welcome. Thanks again! - Bernie

Hi Tarak,

Thank you so much for this! I’ll add these devices to our compatibility list.
