Hi Team,
I have Macbook M1 pro and Dell Inspiron 7306 laptops and Dell P2213 and MSI G32CQ5P monitors. I have tried the dock with both laptops. Only 1 monitor works at a time. Please help.
Hello there,
Thanks for reaching out on our forums!
While your Dell should have no issue working with the TBT3-UDZ, the MacBook may be limited to one display regardless of dock. This is a limitation of the M1 chip.
That said, I see you have a ticket with us so we’ll continue troubleshooting there.
Hi Mychal,
Issue solved. It was the thunderbolt cable causing the issue. I changed the cable and have no problem now. Both laptops are working with the dock and 2 monitors.
Thank you for the quick response.
I’m glad to hear everything is working as it should!
If you run into any other issues just let us know.
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