No screen update

I have a Lenovo T410 running Windows 7 64bit. It has an Indel HD Graphics (Core i7).

I am using the laptop screen, a second monitor attached to the DVI out on the laptop and a third monitor attached to the plugable uga-k2-a.

I my monitor attached to the k2-a does not refresh all the time. If I move a window half way between two monitors I can see the window refresh( using the scroll bar or something like that) on the monitor not connected to the k2-a.

Hi Jack,

Thanks for posting here! Could you run the DisplayLink Support tool (instructions here:…) with the Plugable UGA-2K-A connected to the system and email the resulting .zip to as an attachment along with your Amazon Order ID and a link to this thread?

It will give us a better insight as to what is going on the software side and clues to what could be causing the issue. Once we analyze the .zip, we can figure out the next steps to resolve the issue.
