No Display Resolution

Hello can someone help me here … When i plug the hdmi to my docking station the resolution can’t change

Hi Daryl,

Thank you for posting! I am sorry things are not working as expected while using your Plugable TBT4-UDZ docking station, and I would be happy to help.

The screenshot you provided suggests that the display connected to the HDMI video output of the TBT4-UDZ is limited to a maximum of 800x600 resolution.

While I cannot be sure of the cause given the information provided, based on the symptoms alone I suspect that you are using a computer with an Nvidia graphics processing unit (GPU) and that the driver for the GPU is out of date.

To expand further, in our experience helping others we have found that certain older versions of the Nvidia GPU driver can cause similar behavior. Current versions of the driver can often help resolve this behavior. We speak to this topic in detail here →

If you update the Nvidia GPU driver in your system does that help?

For your reference, the latest Nvidia GPU drivers are available here →

Thank you for giving us the chance to help!

Plugable Technologies

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Hello Bob! thank you for your reply … I just followed what you instructed and it worked already! thank you for your assistance! Have a great day!

Hi Daryl,

Thank you for getting back to us with the update, and you are most welcome for the assistance. I am of course glad to hear that everything is now wokring as expected.

Thank you for your patience throughout the process, and please have a good day!

Plugable Technologies