Need help picking out USB 2.0 to VGA adapter for 2007 Mac Mini

My son has a mid 2007 Mac Mini that has been updated to Mac OS X 10.7.5. He is trying to connect 2 Dell 1800FP monitors. Which adapter does he need to connect the second one?

Hi Laura,

Thanks for posting your question about which USB 2.0 to VGA adapter would be the best for your son’s 2007 Mac Mini running 10.7.5.

You’ll be able to use any of our USB 2.0 graphics adapters with the Mac Mini. You can see them all here:

For the monitor you mentioned, the USB-VGA-165 would be sufficient. You could also use either of the other two as the come with a DVI to VGA adapter that will allow you to use it with your current monitor and but be able to work with a newer monitor in the future.

I hope this helps, let me know if there’s any other questions.


We tried the SEE2 UV150 (because we could get it at Best Buy yesterday and my son wanted instant gratification) but it didn’t work with the Mini. I think it was because the Mini wasn’t delivering enough power to the external video card. It did work with a MacBook Pro using the same setup. Do you think yours requires less power?

Any advice would be appreciated.

Hi Laura,

I can’t say for sure why the SEE2 UV150 didn’t work on the Mac Mini, but you could try running a powered hub in-between the computer and the SEE2 UV150 to see if it’s a power issue. Since the device did work on another Mac, there’s a chance that the driver would work, but I can’t say for sure with out knowing the OS X version of the Mac BookPro.

So, unfortunately, I can’t really say if our device will behave differently. I think your best bet would be to work with the vendor of the SEE2 UV150 device to get it working or find out if it’s incompatible. And of course if you have a powered hub around, you could rule out the power question quickly.

I hope this helps, sorry I can me more definitive.


Plugable Technologies

Hi Laura,

Just adding a few things to what Jerome said. Looking at their site, the SEE2 UV150 appears to use an MCT chipset. The DisplayLink chipset we use in our adapters has a few advantages, including better drivers right now on the Mac, and also lower power consumption.

For Dell 1800FP monitors, our UGA-165 would be a good match (

But as Jerome said, whenever something has gone wrong with another card, we have to be cautious - there might be some problem we don’t understand. The way we protect you from this risk is easy refunds – If our adapter doesn’t work, returns are easy at

If you do buy one of ours, make sure to uninstall the SEE2 UV150 drivers before installing DisplayLink’s latest drivers (available here:…)

Thanks and if you have a chance to, we’d love a post back here on what you decide and works best in the end – that would be helpful to others.


We bought the one you suggested. It came amazingly fast from and I am pleased (though not as pleased as my son) to report that… IT WORKS! We really appreciate your excellent customer service.


Hi Laura - Wonderful! Glad you were able to get a good working solution for that 2007 Mac Mini! Thanks for letting us know!