My UD-6950D will not connect to the network

I have the network port on the docking station plugged into the network at the wall and it does not recognize it. It worked fine on my previous docking station. Can you assist?

As a follow up, I just happened to have an RJ45 to USB adapter, so I tried that and it works fine. Does that mean this UD-6950 has a bad network port?


Thank you for contacting Plugable! I’m sorry to hear that your Plugable docking station is not working as expected, and I will be happy to assist you.

I would like to gather some diagnostic information from you. If you are willing to do so can you please contact us directly at When you do so please reference Ticket # 370868 so that your ticket gets sent to me.

Once again we’re sorry for the trouble, and I look forward to your reaching out.

Plugable Technologies

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