My IT Dept. says I can't have a third monitor but I think the Plugable UGA-2K-A USB 2.0 to VGA/DVI/HDMI Adapter says YES I CAN

I currently have a 2 monitor system at work running on a Dell OptiPlex 7010. My IT Department is telling me I need to upgrade my CPU and get a special adapter from them to run a 3rd monitor. I’m wondering if I would be able to add a third monitor to this system with the UGA-2K-A USB 2.0 to VGA/DVI/HDMI Adapter for Multiple Displays OR would it not interact/work with my current system. I may not have searched far enough in the data base but it looks like I might need to have 3 of the Plugables not just one to add the 3rd monitor.

Hello Tina,

Thank you for showing interest in our product and for coming to us with your questions. In theory, you could use just one of our display adapters to attach an additional monitor. The technical problem is that you would need to install an additional DisplayLink driver to get the display adapter to work. It sounds like your IT department has all your systems on lock down, so I cannot answer if this would be the ideal solution for you. To get the display adapter to work you would need to do the following:

  1. Download and run the latest DisplayLink software from our downloads page ->…
  2. Attach display adapter to computer via USB cord and attach monitor to the display adapter

You would need a local administrative account to complete this procedure, which basically means your IT department will have to install this driver for you or they will temporarily give you access to an administrative account. Maybe you can show this email/procedure to your IT department to see if they are willing to use this solution to add additional monitors.

Kind regards,
Plugable Technologies

Hi Tina,

Did this information help?

Kind regards,
Plugable Technologies