With a little work I have a working 2-seat setup using the DC-125 and openSUSE 11.4 - happy to try to help anyone else in the same predicament now!
It seems to work perfectly here.
Way to go Charles!! It’s quite a lot of configuration today (hope to eventually have the distros make it plug and play).
Can you say, is your setup based on GDM 2.20 and earlier (like http://plugable.com/2009/11/16/settin…), later GDM versions (like http://lucasnascferreira.wordpress.com/, or something else?
Again, great job!
Hellow, I’m trying to do the same thing. Have you posted any tutorials etc any where on the web, that i can read?
Sorry- I missed this when you posted. I’m using KDM / KDE 4.6.0
There are very sketchy notes here
but I will happily help further if I can - let me know your setup and I’ll try.
I do have a quadcore box, with 3 gigabytes of ram. got opensuse 11.4 64 bit with KDE 4.6.0 and KDM , . I’m now going through your notes !