Multiseat setup with openSUSE 11.4 working

With a little work I have a working 2-seat setup using the DC-125 and openSUSE 11.4 - happy to try to help anyone else in the same predicament now!
It seems to work perfectly here.

Way to go Charles!! It’s quite a lot of configuration today (hope to eventually have the distros make it plug and play).

Can you say, is your setup based on GDM 2.20 and earlier (like…), later GDM versions (like, or something else?

Again, great job!

Hellow, I’m trying to do the same thing. Have you posted any tutorials etc any where on the web, that i can read?

Sorry- I missed this when you posted. I’m using KDM / KDE 4.6.0

There are very sketchy notes here


but I will happily help further if I can - let me know your setup and I’ll try.

I do have a quadcore box, with 3 gigabytes of ram. got opensuse 11.4 64 bit with KDE 4.6.0 and KDM , . I’m now going through your notes !