Multiple errors on transfer of windows live mail

Did a transfer Windows 7 to 8. Shows 26300 errors appearing in windows live mail. My wife does have a large collection of mail. When I do a retry on the errors the count goes down. I touched the box above the row of errors and got a message saying the program stopped responding and could not proceed. Windows live mail appears to be working though. I cannot determine if there are that many errors in the mail. Could not imagine stoking 26000 boxes to retry. Is there a command to do a ALL retry?

Hi Joe,

Thank you for contacting us. I’m sorry you had difficulties with the transfer.

I haven’t seen this error before, and I suspect the issue is likely not with Live Mail or the cable, but that some other part of the process has failed.

Could you answer a few questions to help me understand what happened?

  1. Did you use our Easy Transfer Cable to make the transfer?

2, Did you use the Microsoft Easy Transfer software that is built into the computersL

  1. Did the error message show up during the transfer, or later when your wife tried to use Windows LIve Mail on the new computer?

Thank you,

Plugable Support

Hi Joe,
I’m just checking back to see if you still need help with this.