Mouse Lag after addition of Second Monitor

Hi there, hoping someone can solve my problem. I’ve had the Plugable since September of last year, and its worked without issue when my setup was just my Asus Zenbook and an Asus 25 monitor. I just purchased two Acer H236HL and have installed them. They look and work beautifully in the system. There is only one annoying problem. My Logitech Anywhere Mouse MX is now stuttering/lagging - and it’s driving me batty, and clearly related to this change in setup.

Can someone help me troubleshoot this issue? It’s so close to perfect - if not for this issue - that I’m willing to do what it takes to get it there.


P.S. I was surprised to see that Displaylink setups do not allow for the use of software-based display calibration or the use of F.lux and other lumen adjustment applications. But that is a shortcoming of the Displaylink drivers and not of your product.

Forgot to add, I’m running Windows 8.1, fully up to date.

Hi Amitab,

Thanks for posting. I’m sorry the mouse is lagging after the addition of your Plugable product. I’d be happy to help.

I’m going to guess you are using one of our USB docking stations (please correct me if I am wrong). Usually the type of behavior you’re describing is caused by interference between the wireless mouse receiver dongle and the USB 3.0 connection on dock, as both devices operate in the 2.4GHz spectrum. In most cases, the issue can be resolved by using the wireless receiver in one of the top-most USB 2.0 ports on the back of the dock.

We have also had a few reports of interference still being present with the dongle in the recommended position outlined above. In these cases, most of our customers have had positive results with using a USB extension cable to put some distance between the dock and the receiver, or potentially experimenting with re-positioning things on their desk to try to minimize interference.

Please let me know if that helps, and we can go from there.

Thank you,

Plugable Technologies