Mouse and keyboards incompatible?

I have TBT3-UDZ I plugged a USB mouse and a USB Keyboard in and it doesn’t recognize them using the tower. Tried all ports with no connectivity. I plug them directly into HP Envy x360 laptop and they work just fine. using C port

Camera doesn’t work either

Hello Dan,

Thank you for reaching out on the forums!

I am sorry to hear that you are running into issues with your TBT3-UDZ, but I would be happy to help diagnose the issue here.

First, can you confirm that you are trying to connect to your laptop using the included Thunderbolt 3 cable that came with your dock? We’ve seen issues arise when a third party cable is used.

Next, can you confirm that you are connected to the USB-C port on back of the dock and not the one on the front of the dock? I’ve circled the correct port below:

Thank you,

Plugable Technologies

Hi Evan, Yes I’m using the TB3 cable that came with it. I’m also plugged into the USB-C port on the back as you indicate in your picture above.

Thanks for the response!

Can you let me know the exact model of your laptop so that we can confirm that this is not a compatibility issue? To do this, can you let me know what it says next to “System SKU” on the System Information page on your device? You can find this by searching for “System Information” in your Windows Search bar.

Thank you,


Plugable Technologies

System SKU 5TV95UA#ABA

Thanks for the SKU. Taking a look at the specs for the device, there is no reason that we would expect the USB ports to not work with this host.

Would you be able to reach out to us directly at so that we can further troubleshoot this issue? Please put “Ticket #419109” in the subject line so that we can direct the ticket.

Thank you,


Plugable Technologies

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