Monitor stopped working HDMI

I just got the dock and set it up with my personal laptop (Dell Inspiron 14 500) and it worked fine. Currently, I have 1 monitor connected to the dock by USB. Last night, I plugged in my work laptop (HP Elitebook) and it also worked fine.

Today, I plugged my work laptop into it’s HP dock at work and the monitors (2 Display Port) wouldn’t work. When I got home, my home Dell laptop worked fine, except the speakers weren’t working. I restarted my computer (said it was also doing an update). Now the speakers work but the monitor doesn’t.

I tried restarting laptop and then dock and laptop. Tried uninstalling and reinstalling DisplayPort driver (9.2 M3) with restarting computer and dock. Tried doing that again with the DisplayPort cleaner I downloaded from another support post. No luck with any of those.

Please help.


Hello Elissa,

Thank you for contacting Plugable support! Sorry to hear about this issue. I’d be more than happy to assist you.

I’d like to start be having you perform a full clean install of the drivers as this process will remove any old leftovers from past driver versions or if the current drivers are damaged. Here’s how to do this:

  1. Disconnect the dock from the system and please remove the power cable from the dock so it turns off completely. Please keep it disconnected until the last step.

  2. Uninstall any and all software with ‘DisplayLink’ in the title that is present from within the Control Panel → Programs and Features. Don’t worry if these entries are not present or if the process does not work, just move onto the next step.

  3. Download, extract and run the DisplayLink cleaner tool, found here → and ensure it displays “Cleaning Complete”
    when done (video walk-through if you need it →

  4. Once the Cleaner has been run, reboot (even if not prompted to)

  5. Now download and install the latest 9.3 M0 DisplayLink software, found here →

  6. Reattach the power cable to the dock first. Once the dock is powered on, reconnect it to your system which will trigger the final portion of the installation. If the device is not detected, please reboot the system.

Should this not help, we have a troubleshooting tool that helps us find out what is going on in situations like this. Please plug the dock into your computer, then go to this page and follow the instructions there:

Please don’t hesitate to let us know of other questions.

Thanks again for contacting Plugable support and best wishes!

Joshua Henry

Senior Engineer
Plugable Technologies |

Those steps were able to solve the issue.


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Fantastic news! Thanks for letting me know.

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